A well-maintained septic tank has a lot of benefits. It means that you’ll have lesser repairs and your septic tank will last longer. In addition, when your septic tank gets routinely pumped and cleaned, it can prevent you from health and safety hazards.
Here are some other reasons why regularly maintaining your septic tank is essential.
Prevent Bad Odours
When wastes are not effectively processed from your tank, they can omit offensive smells and airborne bacteria that may lead to health issues, such as respiratory problems, eye irritation and nausea. We highly suggest that you be proactive in maintaining the tank regularly and contact a professional to take care of the job.
Prevent Clogging
Your septic system contains organic matter and when toxic materials enter, it can accumulate sludge due to the harming of natural bacteria that supposedly breaks down the wastes. Keep in mind that you must avoid pouring chemical substances down your sink to prevent clogging and chemical contamination.
Prevent Overflows
When your septic tank gets too much build-up, it will be too full to work properly and may lead to overflows in your residential or business property. This is an alarming situation that needs to be addressed immediately. Prevention is still better than cure, so make sure to have routine checks and servicing from trusted professionals to avoid overflows.
In need of septic tank maintenance?
Turd Burglar provides all-around septic system service in Melbourne and surrounding areas. We have 50 years of experience providing reliable septic tank cleaning services and other vacuum truck services. No matter which day of the week or what time in the night you have a problem, we will be there to help you.
For enquiries or more information on how we can help you out, contact us here or call 0418 363 030.